Your Guide to ChiRunning

Form and efficiency go hand in hand. Learn how to run faster, stronger and injury-free with these Chi Running tips.

5 Elements of Chi Running

5 Elements of Chi Running

ChiRunning founder Danny Dreyer shows you how to reduce injuries and get faster with these techniques.

Speed Without Injury: The ChiRunning Method

Speed Without Injury: The ChiRunning Method

Here are some tips on how you can learn to run faster and enjoy it at the same time.

ChiRunning and the Art of the Long Run

ChiRunning and the Art of the Long Run

The ChiRunning formula for success can be applied to your long runs.

Tips for Energy-Efficient Running

Tips for Energy-Efficient Running

Want more energy when running? Use these ChiRunning techniques to run more by using less.

Bring Your Zen Mind On Your Next Run

Bring Your Zen Mind On Your Next Run

Get the most out of your workout and improve your running form by training your mind. ChiRunning offers some good tips on meditation.

ChiRunning and ChiWalking Tips to Tackle a 50K

ChiRunning and ChiWalking Tips to Tackle a 50K

Use these ChiRunning techniques to build your ultrarunning form and technique.

Running Form: Midfoot Strikers vs. the Balls of Your Feet

Running Form: Midfoot Strikers vs. the Balls of Your Feet

Whether you're a midfoot striker or run on the balls of your feet, use these tips to practice the best form and stay injury-free.

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