Run From Sea to Sea

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Over Thanksgiving weekend while most were huddled in their homes eating turkey and pumpkin pie, Jeff Coon decided he would spend his holidays doing something he loved: running.

During the holidays, many celebrate in a traditional fashion. But every once in a while the breaking of traditions can result in a new, unforgettable adventure.

Jeff Coon ran from the Salton Sea to the Pacific Ocean in three days. He was supported by his friends who camped alongside him and shared his runs. Last year, he covered the distance with only four friends supporting him. This year, 14 people showed up to cheer or run. Their experiences were unforgettable and recorded in the video below. 

The next time you have a few days off, try a physical challenge. Here are some ideas to get you started:

1. Sign up for a race.

2. Explore a new trail.

3. Try a challenging fitness class.

4. Discover yoga.

5. Challenge yourself with a triathlon.

Ask a few friends to join and encourage each other with a new fitness goal.

Do what you love most: stay active.

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