How to Set Your Running Resolutions

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Runners, are you ready for the New Year? Do you want to ramp up your mileage or get ready for a big spring race? Now is the time to think about your personal running resolutions. Here are a few tips to make this your best year yet.

More: 14 Tips to Reach Your Race Goal

1. Find a challenge you haven't met.

Your resolution can be anything—running a certain number of miles per week, setting a personal time record, or running your ?rst marathon. Make it a challenge to get outside your comfort zone; it's the best way to improve as an athlete. If you're new to running this year, set a goal to complete a 5K.

2. Make it manageable.

In the ?rst week of January, the gym is packed full of people hoping to ?nally get in shape this year. But what happens by February? Almost all of those well-intentioned folks are gone.

The biggest reason that many of us fall off the resolution wagon so quickly is because the goals we set are based on our ultimate desires about ourselves, not the current reality. We get discouraged when we realize it's harder than we thought. Take an honest look at your current level of ability and set a goal that will be challenging, but still attainable.

3. Plan it out.

Figure out a plan of action to help you manage your resolution. For example, splitting up the big picture into smaller, more digestible parts can help keep you from feeling overwhelmed.

If your goal is to run 10 miles, start with ?ve. Then try seven. You could plan out your mini goals by the week or month, giving you plenty of little victories along the way to keep you motivated towards your ?nal goal.

More: 3 Ways to Stick to Your Running Resolution

4. Buddy up.

There's nothing like a running partner to keep you honest and accountable. Find a buddy who shares your running resolution and stay on top of each other's goals. If one of you is getting lazy or discouraged, the other can help ramp up the motivation for both of you. Maybe a loud, early morning wake-up call every other day is what you need—and that's okay.

5. Stick with it.

It's so important to stick with your running resolutions. You'll never get to where you want to be if you lack the dedication to complete what you started. So don't lose that resolve, runners. Only good things will come of it.

More: 6 Tips for Turning Your Resolution Into Reality

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