How to Race Your Best in Boston: Part I

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The Solution

Eat a Solid Breakfast

You have a full six hours until the race starts, so don't hold back on breakfast. Be too conservative here and you could find yourself quite hungry very close to race start with minimal food options. I suggest a regular breakfast (with coffee if that's your thing) somewhere between 500 to 750 calories.

Bring a Second Breakfast

Pack something simple, like a bagel or an apple with some peanut butter. Chances are you'll get a little hungry while you are out there, so it's better to be prepared!

More: 12 Fast and Easy Breakfast Ideas

Stay Hydrated

Have sports drink and water to sip while you are in the Village. Sports drink up until an hour before is OK, then switch over to very light sips of water. Depending on your nutritional situation, you may choose to have one last gel about 15 minutes prior to race start (with water!) to top off your glycogen.

Stay Occupied

It's  a long trip out to Hopkinton and you'll have time in the Village. I suggest bringing some music and something to read or do while you are there. Last thing you want to do is be wandering aimlessly for a few hours before you need to be running.

More: How to Avoid Dehydration on Race Day

Warm Up Well

About an hour before race start you want to begin thinking about your day. How you want to execute, how you will handle any challenges, issues and the weather. About 40 minutes before the race, you'll want to start jogging. This could be as simple as running your bag down to the drop off point. Then include about 15 to 20 minutes of nice marathon pace running with a few pick ups at 10K pace. Stretch as needed, then seed yourself.

In the next installment, get a handle on Boston's elevation dynamic and plan when to make your move.

More: How to Race Your Best in Boston: Part II

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