5 Convincing Reasons to Camp in the Winter

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If you feel the wintertime blues coming on, pack your camping gear and get outside. The wilderness is a magical place in the winter, with snow-covered trees, quiet trails and fascinating views of the night sky. Need more convincing? Here are a few great reasons to pack up and go.

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1. Exploration is Easier

As lakes, rivers and ponds freeze up, you might be able to explore more land in a shorter period of time. In warmer months you have to hike up and around, but on a winter camping trip you can often go straight across. If there's deep snow, put on your snowshoes so each plunging step doesn't slow you down. Before you attempt to cross any frozen waterway, check with the local ranger to ensure that the water is safe to walk on.

  • Tip: Choose a location with winter-specific hiking trails, which will make it easier for you to stay on track. With snow-covered trails, you can quickly lose the path and become disoriented.

More: Tips for Winter Hiking

2. You Can See More

Bare trees provide an open view of everything in front of you as you hike through the forest. This becomes most valuable at night, when you look up and enjoy unobstructed views of the starlit sky.

  • Tip: Go winter camping somewhere that you've gone in the summer months and notice the difference in the landscape.

More: 5 Ways to Enjoy Nature This Winter