The Diet Detective: What Affects Weight Gain?

Exercise: Prevents Migraines and Eases Arthritis

Good old exercise—it's not just to get you in shape and to protect your heart.


Research from the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, has now shown that exercise is just as effective as drugs for preventing migraines. In a Swedish study of 91 migraine patients, a third were asked to exercise for 40 minutes three times a week, another third did relaxation exercises, and the final third took topiramate—a migraine-prevention drug.

The study lasted three months, during which time the patients' migraine status, quality of life, aerobic capacity and level of physical activity were evaluated before, during and after treatment. Follow-ups were carried out after three and six months.

The results showed that the number of migraines fell in all three groups. Interestingly, however, all three treatments were equally effective for prevention.


Researchers at Duke University Medical Center have found that physical activity improves arthritis symptoms even among obese mice that continue to chow down on a high-fat diet. The results suggest that excess weight alone isn't what causes the aches and pains of osteoarthritis, despite the long-held notion that carrying extra pounds strains the joints and leads to the inflammatory condition. In fact, exercise without substantial weight loss can also be beneficial. Yes, it would be best to lose weight, but this study shows that exercise alone can improve the health of your joints.

Men Gain Weight After Divorce. Woman Gain Weight After Marriage

For men, the risk of a significant weight gain increased most prominently after a divorce. But for women, the risk of significant weight gain was most likely after marriage.

The researchers, professors of sociology at Ohio State University, used data on 10,071 people surveyed from 1986 to 2008 to determine weight gain in the two years following a marriage or divorce. "Married women often have a larger role around the house than men do, and they may have less time to exercise and stay fit than similar unmarried women," say the researchers. "On the other hand, studies show that married men get a health benefit from marriage, and they lose that benefit once they get divorced, which may lead to their weight gain."