A Healthy Makeover for Holiday Desserts

Don't deprive yourself during the holidays. It's okay to indulge in a sweet treat every now and then. Just make sure you're smart about how you indulge in desserts. You can take a smaller portion of traditional desserts. Or, you can modify a family-favorite dessert. Tweak the recipe into a more nutritious one without losing the flavor.  

More2 Recipes for Healthy Holiday Treats

Here are six tips to makeover your favorite holiday dessert and still keep that sweet flavor:

Cut the Fat and Calories

To cut calories and saturated fat replace full-fat dairy products with low-fat alternatives. In baked goods such as sweet breads, try nonfat buttermilk in place of cream or milk.

MoreHow to Conquer Your Sugar Addiction 

Say Buh-Bye Fat

Replace half of the fat (butter or oil) with plain yogurt, mashed bananas or apple sauce.  

MoreThe Health Benefits of Pumpkin 

Get Whipped

Substitute whipped butter for regular butter (whipped butter has half the calories and saturated fat as regular butter). Refrigerate the dough for at least one hour before baking to ensure a similar end product.

Get Heart Healthy

Replace butter with heart-healthy oil such as Canola, peanut or corn oil. Unlike butter, oil does not contain air; therefore, use 1/4 to 1/3 less oil when replacing butter with oil.

More: 5 Oils Perfect for Everyday Use

Add a Little Nutrition

To add protein, fiber and nutrients, replace at least half of the flour with whole wheat pastry flour.  

Go Nuts!

Add raisins or other dried fruit or nuts to cookies or bars instead of chocolate morsels. Or, decrease the chocolate morsels by half and replace with dried fruit or nuts.

More: Infographic: How to Burn Off Those Thanksgiving Day Calories

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