Learn to use yarns, fabric scraps, strings, beads and more...to weave your own unique mini woven art masterpiece! (Miniature Looms 2"x3" (and some a little larger) will be available for student use in this class, along with quick how to easily make your own loom...instructions.) The wonderful news is that no two finished weavings will be alike and they can be used as a focus pendant when made into a stylish necklace! Each kit will contain black, cream, navy or brown yarn along with other fun items to use when making your project. Students..please bring a pair of small sharp scissors with you and also, feel free to bring small antique decorative buttons, small beads, ribbons, trinkets and a few fabric scraps that you might like to incorporate into your weaving...this is a great way to make your project more personal. Minimum number of students required for the class to make: 6