Make Your Walk a Workout

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Four: Feel an Aggressive Roll
The difference between merely fit and fast

The Benefits
You have now reached genuine cardiovascular conditioning. This type of exercise is associated with the highest levels of health and weight loss.

The Basics
You'll know you're really walking fast when you can make your foot roll smoothly from heel strike to toe-off. As your heel hits the ground, your toes will be high in the air. Roll through the step and push back forcefully as your toes leave the ground, propelling yourself forward. The hips should also drive subtly front to back (never side to side) on every step. Keep shoulders low and relaxed to aid in the forward propulsion.

Speed to Strive For
You should be able to start chasing down some joggers 5 mph and above (12-minute miles or less; about 150 or more steps per minute). Calories burned in one hour: 550 or more.

At these speeds, everything has to feel efficient. You should glide along the ground, generating a lot of push back on the ground with every step from the hip all the way down to the toe. Think of it as if you're showing the bottom of your shoe to someone walking behind you.

Toe slap. Instead of rolling through the front of your foot, you may hit with your heel and then your shoe just slaps down to the ground. As a result, your shins may feel tight or sore. The most common reason for toe slap is improper footwear: wearing running shoes instead of walking shoes. Walking shoes have a lower heel.

Can You Talk?
You should be working so hard that you choose not to talk.

Key to Success
Don't over think it. You should be moving fast and efficiently, with a quick compact arm action and the highest possible stride rates. But if you feel you're going to break into a run, your arms and legs are probably driving upward, rather than forward. Slow down half a notch, and keep working in small but ever-lengthening bursts of speed.

In Prefect Step
Once you have pulled together all of the above techniques posture, quick steps, arm swing, and push-off you are well on your way to being a super walker. There's no doubt you are burning more calories, strengthening your heart and lungs, feeling stronger in other activities you partake in, and just feeling better overall.

You have learned to walk again and you, and others, can see that you really are fit.