9 Volleyball Stretches to Improve Your Game

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Can be used for either leg. While standing up bring your right foot straight back and grab it with your right hand. Pull up to stretch the muscle.

Hold for 10 seconds and repeat 2-3 times as necessary to make sure muscle is loose.


Can be used to stretch either leg. Sit down with legs out in front of you. To stretch the right hamstring bring your left foot in so that the bottom of your foot is touching the inner knee of your right leg, your left knee should be pointing to the left.

Now, use your left hand to try and touch your right toe that is out in front of you-you may use your right hand to stabilize yourself.Go as far as you can until you meet resistance and then hold for 5-10 seconds. Repeat a couple times until hamstring is stretched.


Can be used for either leg. From a standing position place your right leg out in front of your left leg almost as far away as you can reach.

Now take both of your hands and place them out to either side of your right leg and place your chest on top of your right knee. By pushing down and forward on your right knee with your chest you stretch the lower part of your rear end.

Once you can feel the tension, hold for 5-10 seconds and repeat 2-3 times to loosen muscle.


Can be used for either leg. Put your hands on your waist and keeping your right leg straight take a step forward with your left leg.

This will put tension on your right calf. Only step as far out as it takes to stretch the muscle.

Hold for 5-10 seconds and repeat 2-3 times until muscle is loose. Lean against a wall or post for a better stretch.