Summer Training: 10 Ways to Stay Cool

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The Accuweather heat map makes the U.S. look like it's on fire these days. Even shady parks feel like saunas, and slight breezes can't seem to penetrate the heat and humidity on the blacktop.

With a lot of big races approaching for triathletes around the country, how do you stay on track with your summer training plan and not get taken down by the heat?

More: Acclimating to Heat and Humidity

Thanks to athlete input, here are 10 ideas for beating the heat:

  1. Set the alarm an hour early. In NYC, it's at least 15 degrees cooler early in the morning, even on one of these record-setting days.
  2. Stay out late. Take a nap and head out on a safe run after the sun has gone down. Wear reflective clothes, bring a head and butt lamp, and pick a route with little traffic.
  3. Drink heavily the night and morning before. No, not alcohol, but water and sports drinks. We personally like coconut water. If you don't hydrate early, by the time you find yourself thirsty on the bike or run, it's too late to really recover.
  4. Settle for the shade. Pick the routes with the most sun cover, even if they aren't your favorites. 
  5. Dowse the head. Even warm water from a bottle or a drinking fountain will help you keep your core temperature down. Go ahead and toss some water on your head.
  6. Fill your bottles with ice. Every cool sip of the water or sports drink will help.
  7. Dress in less. Leave the tight fitting hat, shirt, and shorts behind. Wear the broad brimmed hit and ventilated clothes when you leave the house.
  8. Go short. Spend less time in the heat by focusing on shorter, more intense workouts. Save the 100-mile rides for the one day you get some heat relief.
  9. Focus on your swim. Use the stretch of hot days to increase the length of your swim workouts. Even if you don't get faster, you'll build strength that will make the bike easier come race day.
  10. Reintroduce yourself to the treadmill. Yes, the dreaded treadmill can be handy on a hot, humid day. But don't forget to hydrate just because you're inside.

What other summer training tips would you add to the list?

More: How to Race in Hot Weather

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