How to Prevent Overuse Injuries

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How to Correct Your Hip Misalignment

1. Lie on your back with straight legs.
2. Lift your right leg, bend your knee, and hook your hands behind your knee.
3. Push your right leg away from your chest into your hands that are resisting the pull. Use about 30% of your power and hold the position for 6 seconds, then put your right leg down on the floor.

Hip exercise-right leg pull

4. Lift your left leg, bend your knee, and place your hands on the top of your left thigh.
5. Pull your left knee at 30 percent of your power toward your chest and against your hands. Hold for 6 seconds, then switch sides again.
6. Repeat six times on each side.

Left leg push

This self-corrective exercise may not help if your pelvis has been rotated for a long time and the muscles are very shortened. In this case, you should consult with a sport physical therapist or other skilled specialist.

More: 8 Lunges to Improve Tennis Fitness

However, if your condition is light, you will benefit from this quick isometric exercise. Learn how to recognize the imbalances early, so you can help yourself on your own, without getting too much pain so you wouldn't need too much of subsequent professional help.

Remember to stretch after each tennis practice and strengthen your core and legs regularly.

More: The 3-Minute Stretch to Prevent Tennis Injuries

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