Bounce Back: How to Beat Defeating Days in Running

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Fight Negative Self-Talk

Sports psychologists teach that most human minds produce about 70 percent negative self-talk and only 30 percent positive self-talk when left alone. During running events, this is particularly dangerous as your mind may limit you more than your body does. How many times during a race or a run have you listened to the part of your brain telling you to quit, that you're not strong enough, not thin enough or not fast enough? Learn how to recognize negative self-talk and nip it in the bud by countering with positive self-talk.

Before an upcoming race or tough run, write down a list of positive mantras to recite when the going gets hard. Your mind must always be filled with something; so to prevent the doubts from filling in empty space, keep the good list rolling through.

More: How to Start Exercising and Stay Motivated

Some good examples of positive mantras are:
Relax and roll
Trust the training
Enjoy every step
I am strong, fit and powerful

Make these mantras as personal as you want, and refuse to give into doubt.

No matter what obstacles pop up in training and in life, keep your will and resolve strong by letting the bad runs go, keeping your confidence high and introducing positive mantras into your training and racing.

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