10 Tips to Reach Your Running Goals

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Genelle signed up for the race of her life; a half-marathon that required deep conviction to conquer the hilly course. She had trained with tenacity, and prepared for the day knowing she would be carrying her  216 pound body 13 plus miles.

Early on race morning, she stepped from her car with tears in her eyes. Emotions grasped her insecurities presenting the question of, "Am I Worthy of Being Here?" The anxiety was almost too much as she observed lean athletes jogging the parking lot to warm up for the race.

She was so fearful of the task ahead, that she wanted to fall down and fake an injury to excuse her from the race. Doing that would be like eating rice crispy squares when no one was watching; somehow cheating on herself.

Genelle knew she must fully commit. It was not a frivolous decision of simply half-showing up on race day. She had to journey deep within herself, and drum up her courage. It was a requirement.

Whether you are simply in the journey to a more fit body, or contemplating signing up for a racing event beyond your current comfort zone, there are 10 key strategies that can help you get out of your negative head, into your internal stride and reach your running goals.

1. Change Your Inner Voice

Use 'fake-it-until-you-make-it' thinking. Build yourself up with continual positive affirmations by choosing praise over negating inner language. If doubt creeps in, discard it immediately. Believe in yourself at all costs. Tell yourself, "I am a runner."

2. Commit to Training

Sign up for a race as the intended dangling carrot. Going out for a casual walk or easy run as part of your weight loss regimen can be fleeting. Whereas training for race day will help you to commit on a deeper level.  

3. Find the Parallels

Think about your run training as a metaphor for your life. The goals you have already conquered finishing school or reaching for the next level in your profession are similar to winning your fit body.

Challenging hills can represent the obstacles you have overcome. Don't run a different route to avoid them, shift your mindset that you can conquer anything that comes your way. Finishing a hard run, even though it rocked you to the core, is a good thing for your spirit.

4. Prove Yourself Right

Create a strategy for your runs. If just starting out, challenge yourself to run to the next tree, or electrical pole. Each time you run that same route, go further. Set a specific landmark as your goal, and prove to yourself that you can make it. As you advance, have courage to push beyond your self-imposed limitations.