Want to Run Faster? Focus on Your Hips, Glutes and Hamstrings Before You Hit the Track

jeff gaudette
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Single-Leg Glute Bridge

Lie flat on your back with one leg bent, foot flat on a stability ball, and the other leg flat on the ground. Slowly lift your pelvis off the ground by contracting your glutes and core while keeping your shoulder blades flat on the ground. Complete one set of 15 to 20 reps on each leg. For added difficulty, balance your bent leg on top of a stability ball.

run faster, running, hips, hamstrings, glutes     run faster, running, hips, hamstrings, glutes

Donkey Kicks With Theraband

Start on all fours. Insert a theraband so one end is wrapped around your knee and the other around the bottom of your foot. Extend your leg back and up, focusing on contracting with your glutes. Complete one set of 15 to 20 reps on each leg.

run faster, running, hips, hamstrings, glutes     run faster, running, hips, hamstrings, glutes

More: 8 Exercises to Strengthen Your Hips, Hamstrings and Glutes

Straight-Leg Bounds

Run forward by keeping your legs straight and driving through the ground with your hips and glutes. Begin by running 50 meters. Progress until you're running 100 meters.

run faster, running, hips, hamstrings, glutes

Two-Joint Hip Flexor Stretch

Lie flat on your back on a table or elevated surface (a bed works) with your legs just off the edge. Bring both your knees to your chest. Scoop both hands under one leg and then let the other leg drop down below the edge of the table or surface. Let your leg drop as far as you can while holding the other leg to your chest with your hands. Repeat 8 to 10 times on each leg.

run faster, running, hips, hamstrings, glutes     run faster, running, hips, hamstrings, glutes

These five exercises will help improve your hip extension and develop the flexibility you need to create a more powerful stride. If you're interested in additional exercises and learning more about how to improve your running form, check out Runners Connect's personalized video form analysis and six-week online course. The course includes an individual slow-motion video analysis of your form as well as a specific, progressive set of stretches, strength routines and drills to help improve your mechanics.

More: The 4 Best Form Drills to Improve Your Running

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