How Competitive Are You?

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FEEL BETTER: Sticking to a training plan is good—so long as you are healthy. Cut back on mileage or take a rest day if you're feeling extra tired or sore.

Check Yourself

Are you revving to go or stalled at the start? Test your competitive nature. If you agree with these statements, give yourself the corresponding point value.

1. I'm disappointed after a race if someone I planned to beat finishes ahead of me, even if I set a PR. [+1]

2. I never set any training or racing goals for myself. [-1 ]

3. I like to set goals and see the improvement in my performance. [0]

4. When I'm training in a group, I find myself pushing the pace, even when it's supposed to be an easy day. [+1]

5. I never wear a watch because I don't care about my times. [-1]

6. Running my best race means more to me than beating others. [0]

7. I'd rather run through an injury than take an extra day or two off to recover and rest. [+1]

8. I feel good after a race if I know I gave it my best preparation and effort, no matter how I place. [0]

9. I only train with newbie runners so that it's easy for me to socialize. [-1]

10. I only train with newbie runners so that I'm always the fastest. [+1]

More: Can Music Make You a Better Runner?

If your total is...

[2 or more] Very Competitive. Striving for success is good, but you need to know when to back off so that you don't risk injury or burnout.

[-1 to 1] Perfectly Competitive. You push yourself in training and racing for your own personal satisfaction.

[-2 or less] Hardly Competitive. It's okay to run for fun and fitness, so long as you stay motivated. If you fall into a rut, set some goals.

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