Best Recovery Methods to Ease Muscle Soreness

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The Cure Compression
The Verdict Try it

While they're not noticeably effective if worn immediately after exercise, one study in the Journal of Sports Sciences shows that compression socks can reduce delayed-onset muscle soreness if worn during a run. "They're especially effective for hill runs because the extra tightness reduces muscle load, decreasing post-workout soreness," says Sims. (Plus: Make sure to follow these 10 Golden Rules of Injury Prevention to avoid bumps in your training.)

The Verdict Skip it

Following a tough run that makes walking down stairs uncomfortable, you may take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, because they relieve painful inflammation quickly. But this actually impairs muscle growth, says Sims. Plus, NSAIDs can make you ignore cues that your body is fatigued. And if you push through soreness, you could further delay your recovery.

The Cure Massage
The Verdict Do it

A study in Science Translational Medicine found that massage boosts recovery because it helps decrease the activity of pro-inflammatory proteins in muscle cells and stimulates production of mitochondria, the power generators within cells. Try these Self-Massage Techniques for Athletes for your post-workout aches.

The Cure Active Rest
The Verdict Try it

A light workout the day after a hard workout or race will enhance blood flow to muscles and speed repair. Sims recommends yoga, aqua jogging, swimming, and cycling because these exercises don't use the same motion as running. A slow "shakeout" run is fine, but hoof it on a soft surface and take it slow and easy.

More: What to Do on Rest and Recovery Days

The Cure Sleep
The Verdict Do it

"This is the best recovery!" says Sims. The body releases a growth hormone during sleep, shifting repair processes into overdrive. Also, consider having a protein snack (a glass of low-fat milk, a handful of almonds) before bed. A recent study revealed that protein digestion and absorption is effective during sleep, helping stimulate overnight muscle repair. Now that's multitasking--your PR will thank you.

 More: What Runners Should Know About Protein

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