Become the Runner You Want to Be in 2013: March

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Bird Dog

Targets: Core

How to: On your hands and knees, engage your core. Reach your left leg straight back as you extend your right arm forward. The goal is to keep your lower back stable; if need be, lay a foam roller or dowel across your lower back; it shouldn't move as you raise your limbs. Hold for a count of five, then lower. Repeat on opposite side to complete one rep. Do 10 total. Up the challenge: Do 10 reps on one side without touching the ground. (More on your core: What's the Best Move to Isolate Ab Muscles?)

More: 5 Core Exercises That Increase Stability and Running Efficiency

Four-Way Stand

Targets: Glute strength and balance

How to: Anchor a circular Thera-Band to a stable object, then put your right foot into it and wrap it around the ankle. Pretend you are standing in a clock; you are now facing 12:00. Stand on your left foot with your core strong and glutes engaged, and pull your right foot back to 6:00. Do 20 reps, trying not to let your right foot touch the ground. Then turn 90 degrees to the right, so you're facing 3:00. Pull your right foot again to 6:00 for 20 reps. Go 90 more degrees to face 6:00, and raise foot forward for 20 reps. Finally, face 9:00 and aim for 6:00 again for 20 reps. Repeat on other side. Up the challenge: Do the same set of exercises standing on a folded towel, cushion, or other slightly unstable surface.

More: How to Get a Strong Runner's Butt

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