8 Tips to Squeeze Your Runs in When You Travel

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5. Check Out MapMyRun.com

MapMyRun.com is a great place to check out running routes of individuals living in the city you'll be visiting. You can also map out and determine the mileage of your own running routes for others to view.

6. Find a Running Buddy

Do you travel with others? If so, scope them out to see if any are runners. If so, you may have a running buddy right there with you and not even know it. If one of your traveling buddies can also be a running buddy, you can work together to keep each other on track with your workouts.

7. Make Time

Probably the biggest obstacle for training while traveling is time, or lack thereof. This is where you have to dig deep and make a commitment to sticking to your training routine. It's hard and takes real commitment and determination, but if you're in meetings all day, try getting up 30 minutes earlier to get in that run. Or, ask yourself, "Do I really have to attend that cocktail party?" Sometimes, it's easy to push aside the training, because of this function or that, but in reality you may be able to skip on or maybe leave early.

More: Staying Motivated to Sweat

8. Turn Your Hotel Room Into a Gym

On those days when it's just impossible to get in a run, do some cross-training in your hotel room. You may not be able to run, but you can get in some great fitness. No weights? No problem. You have your own body weight. Calf raises, crunches, pushups, squats, lunges, tricep dips, all of these can be done very effectively with just you body weight.

Exercise bands and/or tubes are also great traveling workout tools that can be easily tossed into your bag for added resistance. Plyometric exercises such as jump squats, burpees, mountain climbers, and jumping jacks are great ways to jack up the heart rate, break a great sweat and add some punch to your hotel room workout.

More: Who Needs a Gym?

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