5 Runs That Kill Boredom

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Are you tired of doing the same training runs week after week? This season, shake up your routine and include a few non-traditional runs throughout your regular training routine. By running with different, non-athletic goals in mind, you'll escape the boredom trap while performing useful tasks for yourself and others. It's a great way to connect with your surroundings and your community.

Love the Planet with Trash Running

Log a few miles, beautify your local surroundings and get in a few hundred lunges and squats while you're at it. Trash running involves picking up trash while you run. Simply don a pair of washable gloves and head out with an empty garbage bag along your usual route, pausing to stoop and pick up any trash you see along the way. Yes, this is really a thing. Many communities across the country have trash runner groups, complete with regularly scheduled meet-ups and Facebook pages. Google "trash running" to see if there's a group in your area. If there's not, why not start one?

"Run" Errands

This kind of run puts a new spin on the concept of functional fitness. Accomplish something while logging a few of your weekly miles. Jog to the grocery store wearing an empty backpack. (You can walk back home if you've loaded up on too many canned goods.) Or jog to your Saturday morning yoga class; think how much easier those first few sun salutations will be when you're already warmed up. Think about your week and for each appointment or errand, ask yourself, "Can I show up a little sweaty and wearing running gear?" If the answer is yes, then leave the car in the driveway and run those errands instead.

More: 4 Yoga Poses for Runners