3 Common Questions About the Pre-Race Taper

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Will I Lose My Mental Edge?

This part is up to you. The last thing many athletes need in the days leading up to a big race is more time to think about what could go wrong.

Even though science has proven otherwise, many athletes can't shake the feeling that their fitness level is decreasing because they're not working as hard.

Don't believe it. Studies by Houmard, Shepley and many others have unquestionably concluded that a taper before your event is exactly what you need.

A common mantra among athletes is a simple one: Trust your training. The taper is a necessary and beneficial part of your training. Trust it.

More: 3 Tips to Build Mental Toughness

Is Tapering Just for Long-Distance Events Like Marathons?

While tapering is especially crucial for longer events like the marathon, the Houmard study specifically touched on 5K runs, arguably the most popular road-race distance in the world.

While a 21-day taper with 5K runners didn't show any significant change in performance, a seven-day taper where training volume was cut back each day and the overall volume dropped by 85 percent, had a positive impact on 5K performance.

Obviously, the more volume your training (and race) entails, the more time you need to taper and recharge your body. That's why 5K runners may only need seven days, while marathoners may need 14 to 21 days.

So whether you're looking to qualify for the Boston Marathon, or if you're just a 5K runner looking for a great debut to endurance sports, make sure the last part of your training calendar is reserved for a taper.

More: How to Taper to Boost Performance

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