2 Steps to Become a Motivated Runner

Step 2: Momentum Creates More Motivation

Small successes, or "little wins," will help you get, and stay, motivated. You can purposefully build them into your training plan to keep your motivation high when you need a boost.

Here are a few examples that you can start using today in your running:

  • Start a run a little slower than usual so you can run a negative split at the end.
  • Complete all of your runs for the week without skipping any.
  • Consistently finish all of your post-run core exercises.
  • Run strides twice a week after your easy runs for a month.

At first glance, none of these training accomplishments are particularly impressive. You wouldn't brag about running all of your workouts in a week, right?

MoreHow to Beat Running Boredom

The momentum comes from stringing together two to three small wins every week. Momentum feeds off itself, helping you stay motivated to continue running. These techniques are powerful ways to increase your motivation for those who need run more consistently.

Once you experience little wins every few days, you'll start to crave them and plan even more in your training. They'll help you feel stronger, more consistent, faster and more motivated.

MoreRunning Makeover: Bust Out of Rut and Find New Motivation

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