5 Tips for Camping With Dogs

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Your dog is your best friend, your companion, your partner in crime. So, it only makes sense that he or she should come along with you on your favorite outdoor adventures.

But, before you pack up the water bowl and throw a leash in your backpack, check out these five tips for camping with dogs.

1. Determine the Area's Dog Tolerance

When camping with your dog, the first step is to find a campground that's dog-friendly. And don't forget to look for dog-friendly trails nearby, as well. Because camping and hiking with dogs is a growing trend with outdoors enthusiasts, it's becoming more common for trails and campsites to be labeled dog-friendly or not. Websites like ReserveAmerica.com tell you if you can bring your pup, making it easy for you to figure out.

More: Can Your Dog Go Camping With You?

2. Get Up to Date on Vaccines

Though your pup is likely up to date on vaccines, head to your vet for a pre-camping visit. Double check that your dog has received rabies and heart worm vaccinations, at the very least. Other things to discuss:

  • There may be health risks specific to the particular camping region, so be sure to check for other vaccine recommendations.
  • Ask about the best medications to take with you such as aspirin and emergency treatments.
  • Get a recommendation for the best flea and tick protection.

3. Have a Sleeping Plan

When camping with dogs you must remember everything you need, times two, especially for sleeping arrangements. Consider whether your pet will sleep in the tent with you, or outside. If keeping the pup outside, make sure you bring a tarp to create a shelter for them. If it's supposed to get cold at night, consider bringing a dog jacket, as well.

More: 4 Tips for Hiking With Your Dog