The Diet Detective: Weight Loss Tips to Get in Shape

An old adage says that you can't change what you don't understand. You'll definitely benefit from understanding when, what, why and how much you eat by keeping a food diary. Experts agree that keeping track of what you eat and when you eat it is a critical factor in losing and controlling weight.

More: 4 Weight-Loss Tips for the Lazy Dieter

A food diary helps a person lose weight by providing a heightened self-awareness, which is an early step toward behavior change and a really effective "self-monitoring" tool. There are now many smartphone apps and other tools to help you to keep track – even taking photos of everything you eat.
Don't be fooled by "portion distortion." Most of us have very little idea how much we are really eating. In your diary, be honest about how much you're really eating. As a general rule, assume you're eating 30 to 40 percent more than you think.
Most people fantasize about reaching a weight considerably lower than what they can realistically maintain. Take your body type into consideration, and keep in mind that we are bombarded daily with images of unrealistically thin people.

More: Lose Weight and Eliminate Cravings
Don't worry if you hit a point where you do not lose weight while on a program. This is common – you may reach a plateau of weight maintenance while your body continues to adjust. This is perfectly OK.
Although most people do not expect perfection of themselves in everyday life, many feel they must stick to a weight-loss program to the letter. Perfection is unrealistic. Instead, take note of when you fall off your diet. These lapses need not be catastrophes. Instead, give yourself a break and see them as what they are: valuable opportunities to identify weak moments and problem triggers and to develop strategies for the future. Take it one day at a time.
While being overweight may contribute to social problems you may be having, it is rarely the single cause. Expecting that all your problems will be solved "when you're thinner" is unrealistic and sets you up for disappointment. Instead, understand that the skills you used to achieve successful weight loss can also be applied to other areas of your life.

More: A Beginner's Diet for Weight Loss

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