Juicing Decoded: The Terminology You Need to Know

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Raw: This juice has not been heated, pasteurized or processed in any way. Raw juice contains living enzymes, vitamins and minerals making it the most nutritional juice you can choose.

There's some controversy over raw juice and the potentially dangerous bacteria that may be left in it because it wasn't processed with high heat. Unless it's pasteurized, people most at risk for food poisoning—young children, pregnant women and older adults—could be subject to harmful pathogens. However, the dangers of raw juice have not been confirmed or denied for certain.

Flash Pasteurized: This process is often referred to as high-temperature short-time (HTST), and can give the juice a cooked flavor, according to OneGreenPlanet.org. This process gives the final product a longer shelf life than raw juice and kills bacteria.

More: Raw Foods to Add to Your Diet

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