Improve Your Relationship With Food

Eat Only at the Kitchen Table

Just like Pavlov's dogs you can train your body to crave foods if you consistently eat them anywhere other than in your kitchen. Think about it, different rooms in your home are designed for different purposes. The kitchen's duty is to prepare and eat food. If you always eat ice cream in your bed at night, you will continue to crave a sundae, in bed, every night. Designate your kitchen for the purpose of meals only.

Choose Satisfied Over Stuffed

Most of us are eating based upon external stimuli alone, rather than our own physical needs or food preferences. Many of have no idea when we are hungry or satisfied. Before beginning a meal ask yourself, how hungry am I? Rate yourself, and set the tone for how much you need to refuel in this meal.  

Chew Your Food 30 to 50 Times per Bite

The process of chewing is a vital component of the digestive process.  Healthy digestion leads to satisfaction. When you chew completely, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of food and even notice each individual taste. You may actually end up eating less because you have given your body time to signal satisfaction and fullness to the brain, this may lead to weight loss for many emotional eaters.

Eat Without Distraction

Turn off the TV, cell phone, computer, iPad and all other electronics. If you're eating while multi-tasking, you will miss the cephalic phase of ingestion. Marc David, author of Nourishing Wisdom says, "You have to be there when you eat. The belly is full but the mouth is hungry." The brain experiences hunger, if it hasn't experienced the taste, pleasure, aroma and satisfaction from the food. Stay present and pay attention.

Experience the Valentine Relationship with Food

Luckily, many foods which are considered aphrodisiac foods are high in vitamins and minerals, and low in saturated and trans fats. Having a diet high in these foods will result in a body that has a lot of energy, healthy stamina, adequate blood flow and the ability to last in any situation.


Casanova, believed in the power of chocolate. Chocolate offers a jolt of caffeine and a bit of phenylethylamine (PEA) which is a natural psyochoactive, "feel-good" chemical. PEA is said to help induce feelings of excitement, attraction and euphoria. Cacao also contains tryptophan, which is a key component of serotonin which is known to promote a sense of well-being and relaxation.


Its long, slender shape aside, asparagus is packed with potassium, phosphorus and calcium which are 3 important nutrients which increase energy and important in keeping the urinary tract healthy.


Honey is also known as the nectar of Aphrodite. Honey provides long, sustaining energy because it is easily metabolized. Honey is linked to the tradition of the honeymoon. In the past it was traditional to present a newlywed couple with honey to help them enjoy their first encounters and aid creating a family!


As far back as we can find humans have been transforming grapes into wine, one of the world's finest symbols of romance. Grapes are linked symbolically with love, fertility and virility. The ancient Romans are known as one of the first civilizations to cultivate grape vines.  In ancient Greece it was a tradition to give clusters to newlyweds in the belief that the grape's seeds would bless the couple with many children.


In the beginning, the avocado was deemed an aphrodisiac for its appearance. Avocados deliver a punch of nutrients essential to sexual health, including beta carotene, magnesium and vitamin E.

"The belly rules the mind." -- Spanish proverb 

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