9 Tips for Eating Healthy on a Budget

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Although we know good nutrition is crucial for training, shelling out those extra few dollars for healthier groceries can be painful. These practical tips can help you meet the needs of both your budget and your body.

1. Establish your priorities.

How important is good nutrition to you? Answering this question honestly can help you determine how much money you are willing to invest in your food. It's difficult to spend money on things we don't prioritize. Once we decide that our nutrition is something we want to invest in, it's easier to make the following changes.

2. Plan and prepare.

When it comes to food, saving money always means investing more time in planning and preparation. Yes, we love the convenience of food on-the-go. But eliminating them from your grocery runs can instantly slash our expenses. Be prepared to start washing, chopping, storing, and freezing. Sit down and plan your meals out for the entire week. Make a grocery list and stick to it.

3. Invest in a freezer.

If you have the space, this can save you major dollars in the long term. Buy good meat in bulk. Buy entire animals if you can. Get fruits and vegetables in large quantities when they are in season (and therefore the cheapest), then freeze them for use throughout the year.

4. Invest in a nutrition or cooking class.

Get a few friends together for a group session to save money. Pay for just a few consultations or classes to cover the basics. Learn to read food labels and get a grocery store tour (be careful when attending free tours—they are usually sponsored by a company with a vested interest in what you buy, so you won't always be getting completely transparent information).

Spending money on a nutritionist may initially seem counterproductive, but there's nothing worse than finding out that you've been spending all your money on food you thought was healthy, but really wasn't. Many labels like natural, raw, and whole wheat are not regulated and can be used to sell products at a higher price. A nutritionist can teach you how to determine which foods live up to their labels and which are just clever marketing.