Where the Lacrosse Scholarships Lurk

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Lacrosse is a sport that’s starting to expand its presence across the country. But Division I lacrosse programs remain almost exclusively on the east coast, and the number of colleges sponsoring lacrosse—while growing—still is small.

That means scholarships are at a premium. If you want to be proactive in recruiting and make yourself known to coaches who may want you, it’s a good idea to know just how many scholarships are out there for the taking. Here’s a breakdown of college lacrosse among the different divisions:

NCAA Division I

How many schools: There are 84 schools sponsoring women’s lacrosse at the Division-I level, including powerhouse teams like Northwestern and Virginia. On the men’s side, 56 schools sponsor lacrosse, including perennial powers Syracuse and Duke.

Scholarship count: Women’s programs can work with 12 scholarships. Men’s programs have 12.6 scholarships to distribute.

Scholarship breakdown: Scholarship money can be passed out among its entire team, meaning partial scholarships are common in college lacrosse.

NCAA Division II

How many schools: There are 42 schools in Division II that play women’s lacrosse, including powerhouse West Chester; and 34 schools playing men’s lacrosse including three-time national champion Le Moyne.

Scholarship count: Division II schools are allowed 9.9 scholarships for women’s lacrosse and 10.8 scholarships for men’s lacrosse.

Scholarship breakdown: Like Division I, scholarships can be cut up and dished across an entire roster. Partial scholarships are common.

NCAA Division III

How many schools: There are 154 women’s lacrosse teams in Division III and 148 men’s lacrosse teams

Scholarship count: Division III institutions do not offer athletic scholarships.

Scholarship Breakdown: While athletic scholarships do not exist in Division III, student-athletes can receive academic scholarships and need-based grants to help with school while playing lacrosse.


How many schools: The NJCAA has 16 schools participating in women’s lacrosse and 27 schools participating in men’s lacrosse.

Scholarship count: Both men’s and women’s programs at the junior-college level can offer 20 scholarships for its team.

Scholarship breakdown: Scholarships are commonly given out as full rides at the junior-college level, but not exclusively. Signing day typically is in April.