Pilates for Pregnancy

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Q: What if I don't feel up to exercising?

A: It's going to happen because you will be fatigued, maybe nauseous, at times during your pregnancy. As long as you can move, however, you should try to exercise. (If you are bedridden this is obviously not an option for you.) When you are feeling tired and irritable, Pilates will help you  feel better once you get up and moving. Just be sure to keep it simple and light.

Pilates is a perfect exercise to practice while pregnant, as you can experience all of the benefits of cardiovascular exercise, but in a way that is low-impact and non-jarring, making it easy on your joints and stretching ligaments.

According to Fella-Berry, many Pilates moves can be used to benefit the expectant mother, enabling her to maintain good posture, and alleviate some of the recurrent aches and pains. Pilates for Pregnancy takes the original Pilates exercises and movements, modifying them as necessary for each stage of pregnancy. The focus is put upon postural changes, muscle training and physical training in preparation for childbirth.