How to Do Yoga at Home

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Almost every yoga book features sample workouts, but the most beneficial are those that show photos of the poses.

View and Vary Yoga

Videos and DVDs are valuable because instructors demonstrate each posture—but once you become accustomed to yoga, you'll definitely want some variety in your repertoire. To keep you from getting stuck in a rut, try a subscription service such as NetFlix.

What's Your Yoga Style?

There are a lot of different types of yoga. Hatha yoga, under which many other types are grouped, is the most widely practiced, fundamental form in the United States. Ashtanga (on which "power yoga" is based) is a popular hatha derivative that comprises a fast-paced series of very challenging poses.

Viniyoga's style focuses on developing a personal practice based on flowing postures chosen to suit each student's abilities. Iyengar emphasizes precise form; poses are held for longer periods and accomplished with the help of props like chairs, straps and blocks.

Bikram, also known as "hot yoga," encompasses a demanding sequence in an 85°F-plus heated room (so you obviously won't be able to do this at home). Meanwhile, forms such as kundalini and tantra have stronger spiritual components and emphasize mastering and focusing mental energy rather than performing postures.

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