Rebuild Your Body With These Workouts

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Trust your judgment. "Without counting, lower the weight slowly and lift it fast," says Mejia. Don't worry about taking an exact amount of time: Just think "slow" or "fast" as you move the weight; your body will react accordingly.

Trust your muscles. In general, use the heaviest weight that allows you to perform all your repetitions without reaching failure. One caveat: Instead of defining "failure" as the point at which you can't complete one more repetition ("absolute failure"), employ the concept of "technical failure," says Hartman. That's the point at which your body posture changes — you have to cheat by leaning forward or back to complete the movement — or you can't control the speed of the weight you're lifting. For instance, if the rate at which you perform a pushup starts to slow as you press yourself to the starting position, you've achieved technical failure. Consider that the end of your set. The reason: Once you've hit technical failure, fewer target muscle fibers are firing during each repetition thereafter — so you've achieved maximal benefit from that exercise.

The Workout

This plan was created by Michael Mejia, C.S.C.S., using the concepts on the accompanying pages. Complete the routine 3 days a week, resting a day after each session. Do the exercises as a modified circuit, performing one after another in the order shown and resting only as long as it takes for your breathing rate to return to normal. Repeat one time, for a total of two circuits, then spend the rest of your time running or cycling. Click here to download a 5 week workout log.

1. Reverse Overhead Lunge
Grab a broomstick using a grip that's twice shoulder width and hold it directly above your head, elbows locked. Take a step back with your left foot and lower your body until your left knee almost touches the floor. Push yourself up and repeat, this time stepping back with your right leg. Do 10 to 12 repetitions with each leg.

2. Pushup
Get into standard pushup position. Keeping your body in a straight line from your head to your ankles, lower yourself until your upper arms dip below your elbows, then push your body back up. Do 10 to 12 repetitions. If it's too hard, do the incline version, with your hands placed on a bench or step. If it's too easy, place one foot on top of the other's heel as you perform the movement.

3. Contralateral Stepup
Place your left foot on a step or bench that's about knee height and hold a dumbbell in your right hand at shoulder height. Simultaneously lift your body onto the step and press the weight over your shoulder. Lower both back to the starting position, then repeat. Do 10 to 12 repetitions on each side.

4. Twisting Single-Arm Row
Hold a dumbbell in one hand, your palm facing in. Keeping your back naturally arched, bend forward until your torso is almost parallel to the floor and let the dumbbell hang straight down. Pull the weight to your rib cage as you rotate your upper body toward the ceiling. Reverse the move back to the starting position. Do 10 to 12 reps with each arm.

5. Superman
Lie facedown with your legs straight and your arms lying on the floor straight forward. Simultaneously lift your shoulders, legs, and arms off the floor. Try to hold this position for 60 seconds.