Fitness Gear Review: Misfit Flash

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No Heart Rate Monitor: If you want a fitness tracker that tells you your heart rate during a workout, you're out of luck with the Flash.

Tracking Alternative Activities: If you're one who likes to lift weights, the Flash doesn't really have an accurate reading of your activity. It will track your steps from exercise to exercise and give you credit for any running or cycling you incorporate into your workout, but strength training workouts don't translate to much when it comes to accumulating activity points and achieving your daily goal.

App-Only Features: If you want to get a quick numerical update on your steps or calories burned, the watch interface does not provide either. You'll have to go into the app on your phone to find out your latest stats.

Fit and Feel: The plastic material the Flash is made of does not look or feel great.

Battery Replacement: Once your battery dies, you'll have to purchase a new one. It's a common battery (CR2032 button cell) and it's found on most sites (Amazon, for example), but it's an added hassle due to the Flash's inability to charge.

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Final Thoughts

For anyone who wants an easy-to-use activity monitor that acts as a step, swimming, cycling and sleep tracker, the Flash is a great, affordable option. Anyone who is new to fitness or is making a comeback after a long hiatus should consider it.

It's fascinating to see how many steps (and miles) you walk and how many calories you burn on any given day as you go about your normal routine. The sleep tracker is also a helpful tool. If you want to track your heart rate during workouts, however, you'll want to consider a more advanced tracker.

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Learn more about the Misfit Flash here.

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