76 Ways to Get Moving

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13.   Blog about your experience.  Why not share your journey on cyber space? You probably aren't alone. A blog can help you get in touch with other new runners and wannabe athletes. It can offer an extra forum for conversation or even just a therapeutic release about your day.

14.   Watch an inspirational movie like Rocky. Movies that make you feel like anything is possible can encourage you to do the impossible in your own life.

15.   Celebrate the wins. Every little success you encounter should be celebrated. Didn't think you could run for 10 minutes without stopping and suddenly you're up to 20 minute runs? Shout it from the roof tops. Throw a party. Give yourself the kudos you deserve.

16.   Keep your makeup or your work shoes at the gym so you have to go. Often times getting to the gym is half the battle. If it's your only option for looking presentable at work, you'll have to do it.

17.   Get a group. Working out alone means you can skip a workout because you're only disappointing yourself. When you're working out with a group, you're letting everyone else down, too. Which one is more likely to keep you on track?

18.   Get a training plan. "Failing to plan is planning to fail," as the saying goes. A training plan does wonders for keeping your workouts on track by offering structure and guidance. Find a plan that works for you.

19.   Get fueled. Do you expect your car to do its job on an empty tank? Don't expect to get anything done on an empty stomach. Energize your workouts with healthy eating habits.

20.   Hydrate. Drinking plenty of fluids will prevent you from feeling blah. Proper hydration can be the difference between a good workout and a bad one.

21.   Warm up. You'll accomplish more and stay injury-free when your body is loosened up and ready to head out the door.

22.   Listen your body. The more aware you are of your body and how you feel, the more you'll improve it. It's the only body you'll have, so take care of it.

23.   Rest up. Sleep is one of your greatest friends on the path to a healthy life. Recharge your batteries so you have the energy and motivation to get in shape.

24.   Hire a personal trainer. By investing in a professional coach, you'll have someone who knows how to get you fit and will demand commitment out of you. Plus, the financial investment will make you more likely to follow through.

25.   Buy a new app. There are hundreds of smartphone apps that track your training, provide inspiration, or help you achieve your goals. This way you'll always have data on-the-go and your progress right at your fingertips.

26.   Take before and after pictures. Results are a real motivator. Once you compare a before and after picture to see proof of your transformation, you'll be more likely to stick to it until your reach your goal.

27.   Reward yourself. After a good workout, treat yourself to a healthy treat such as frozen yogurt or pineapple and bell peppers on the grill. After a solid week of running or working out, indulge (moderately).