30-Day Challenge: Move a Mile a Day

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Start Your Challenge

It's simple to start your 30-day challenge. Get the support, motivation and guidance you need to move a mile a day.

Track Your Progress

Write down how many miles you run every day and at what pace. Notice the strength you gain each day.

Download and print the 30-Day Move a Mile Challenge calendar to see your progress. You can also sign up for the 30-Day Challenge tracker, where you get access to all of the 30-day challenges.

More: 6 Tips to Stick to Your Goals

Use Social Media

Like the 30-Day Challenge Series on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/30DayChallengeSeries to get support from the community. Or tweet @skinnytinis to share your progress and ask questions.

Be Smart and Safe

Always check with your health care professional before you begin any aggressive, new exercise routine. Make sure to devote some time to stretch before and after you run.

Here are five stretches to help you stay safe as you move a mile a day.

Hip Flexor

Stand tall, step your left leg about 1 to 2 feet in front of your right, and bend at the knee. This should pull on your right hip flexor (the front, top side of your right leg).

To get a better stretch, bend the left knee a little deeper (without your knee going over your ankle) and push your pelvis forward. Hold this stretch for at least 20 seconds and repeat on other side.

More: 4 Tips to Prevent Hip-Flexor Pain