Your Total-Body Resistance Band Workout

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Biceps Builder

Stand with feet staggered, left foot in front of right, foot band around feet. Place center of handled tube under left foot and grasp handle in each hand, knuckles up. Lift right foot about six inches off floor behind you, knee slightly bent, toes down. Lean forward as you extend right leg straight back and curl arms toward chest. Return to start. Do 10 reps; switch legs.
Works: Arms, Butt, Legs, Core


Sit on floor with knees bent, foot band around feet. Slip one end of handled tube through the other, creating a loop, and slide around right foot. Flip over onto all fours. Lift left leg to ceiling, knee bent, foot flexed, as you reach right arm straight out at shoulder height, palm down. Return to start. Do two sets of 10 reps; switch sides.
Works: Shoulders, Back, Butt, Legs, Core

The Bridge

Sit on floor, knees bent. Place center of handled band over top of left foot. Wrap it under and around foot one time. Grasp one handle in each hand and lie back on floor. Keeping left heel planted, toe flexed, raise right leg straight up, almost perpendicular to body. Push through heel as you raise hips off floor and reach arms out to sides at shoulder height. Lower and repeat 10 times; switch sides.
Works: Abs, Arms, Back, Butt


Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent throughout, foot band around feet; open legs to point of tension. Wrap one end of handled tube around each hand. Lift right leg to side as high as you can as you pull arms open in opposing directions. Return to start and switch legs to complete one rep. Do two sets of 10.
Works: Back, Chest, Legs, Core

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