Sports Therapy: 3 Ways to Rehab an Injury

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Athletes choose to be physically active to stay fit and healthy, to strengthen muscles and bones, to relieve mental and emotional stress, and to have fun. But when the fun gets interrupted by an unexpected injury, it can be challenging on both the mind and the body.

Injury often occurs from the overuse of muscles and joints due to repeated activity. It can also result from not allowing enough time for rest or from general wear and tear on the body.

Typically, injury is a signal to slow down, but that does not mean you cannot be proactive in your healing. Here are three forms of athletic therapy to assist an injured athlete in recovery:

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Cranio-Sacral Therapy (CST)

CST is a gentle, non-invasive, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the body's own natural healing mechanisms. The focus of this work is on the craniosacral system, which consists of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. This system extends from the bones of the skull, face and mouth (cranium) and reaches down the spine to the sacrum and coccyx or tailbone.

CST helps speed recovery, increases health of the entire body, improves resistance to disease, and assists a return to wellness. The gentle approach promotes tissue to soften, increasing fluid exchange which allows the tissue to open up and breathe.

A session can help relieve headaches and migraines, chronic neck and back pain, stress- and tension-related problems, traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries, scoliosis, TMJ and a range of other challenges and conditions.

MoreHow to Prevent a Headache


Hydrotherapy is the application of water to the body, either externally or internally, for therapeutic purposes. Utilizing water in a solid, liquid, or vapor form alters the quantity of blood circulating to a given area. The physiology of the body can be changed by the application of water at different temperatures and with different methods to promote healing.

Heat is used to quiet and soothe the body and to slow down the activity of the internal organs. If you are experiencing tight muscles or anxiety, heat is recommended in the shower or bath. The use of heat promotes circulation of the blood and lymph, increases cell metabolism and digestive activity, relieves cramps and muscle spasm, eases mental and physical stress, and loosens tight muscles, encouraging relaxation.

More9 Easy Ways to Stay Injury-Free