How to Burn 100 Calories Without Trying

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Kick it old-school

Time to relive those carefree childhood summers. Bring a kite to the park or beach, wait for a big gust of wind, and then fly high! You'll blow away 100 calories in 12 minutes. Or pull on a pair of roller skates and take off (with a helmet, naturally), doing your best figure eights and spins whenever possible (100 nixed in 14 minutes).

Be a fair lady

The state fair may be the hub for fried, well, everything, but it's also a sweet place to tone and trim. Hit the batting cages for 10 minutes (54 calories), play a round of mini golf for 13 minutes (42 calories), and swing by the strength-o-meter to take a crack (6 calories).

Go coupon-crazy

Surf to find great deals on adventures near you. Redeem a coupon for rock climbing, one of the site's frequently discounted activities, and you'll burn 100 calories in 9 minutes while scaling a wall. Or nab an amusement park day pass, another site favorite, and you'll lose 100 in 31 minutes as you meander from ride to ride.

Make the most of a getaway

Sizzle while you sightsee. Climb the steps of Machu Picchu (or any ancient ruin) for 14 minutes to make 100 calories history. Or torch the same number wandering through a museum for 37 minutes.

Do a machine medley

Erase 100 calories the way SELF fitness director Meaghan B. Murphy does—fast! Hit the elliptical for 5 minutes (40 calories), then go all out on the rowing machine for 5 minutes (60 calories). Didn't even have time to get bored, did ya?

Hit the mat with a pal

Have a partner hold on to your feet for 5 minutes of crunches (42 calories). Then do side-by-side mountain climbers for 4 minutes (34 calories). Cap it off with 3 minutes of jumping jacks (26 calories).

Lose in the locker room

After cruising by the snack bar two (or three!) times to see the adorable guy you've had your eye on (6 minutes, 20 calories), hit the locker room for a cool-off shower (15 minutes, 40 calories). Blow-dry your hair, dress, and get ready (25 minutes, 40 calories). Bam: 100!