How to Avoid the 'Freshman 15'

Campus Perks

Attending a traditional bricks-and-mortar institution can take up more time out of a student's day compared to an online college, but there are still methods to help stay in shape. To get additional walking time in, students can park their cars as far away from their destinations. Engage in a steady pace and hold books or a laptop to get a decent 15-minute workout each way. Keep in mind that a car should always be left in a safe spot, such as a well-lit parking lot.

Many universities also have on-campus gyms. Memberships are either free or offer affordable monthly payments. Take advantage of these perks and take on a class or two. If committing to a one-hour group class is impossible, try the treadmill or the elliptical machine for a heart-strengthening workout. Some students can even complete reading assignments while using gym equipment.

More12-Week Treadmill Workout

Keeping Balance

Scheduling exercise into each day is important, but some more important matters might occasionally take precedence. Perhaps an emergency comes up at home or at work. Or maybe the computer crashes and deletes a term paper that is currently being worked on. Unpredictable events happen that can cause students to skip workouts, but they should not be discouraged from their overall goals. The key is to get back into the game and keep exercising whenever possible.

More5 Ways to Burn an Extra 200 Calories

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