Get Active and Go Outside With This Circuit

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Do you remember when you were young, carefree and had endless amounts of energy? Priorities as a child were to go to school, go home, and play. It was also a time when we spent a large amount of time outside until it was time to come inside for dinner and homework.

Sadly, this is not the norm anymore. Most of us are behind a desk eight-plus hours a day and our kids are seated behind computer and gaming screens for more hours than three hours a day. No wonder disease and obesity are at an all time high.

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It's time for a change. One simple solution is to get outside. It's not only healthy for us from a physical standpoint, but also from a mental standpoint as well.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the benefits of physical activity are endless. A brisk walk, or 30 to 60 minutes of moderate to intense activity can help reduce heart disease, improve moods and energy levels, and control weight.

There are thousands of different outdoor activities you could participate in. You can go to the local playground or park and "play". Here's an example of a playground session.

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If you want an outdoor session with a little more structure and no equipment, here you go. All you need is some open space and 40 to 50 minutes of time.

Circuit Workout

Station 1: Bodyweight Squats - 20 reps
Station 2: Bodyweight Pushups - 20 reps
Station 3: Lateral Jumps (skater plyos) - 20 reps (10/leg)
Station 4: Side-Lying Hip Hikes - 20 reps/side
Station 5: Sprint - 60 yards

Complete all five stations before resting. Recover for 90 to 120 seconds and then repeat the five-station circuit again 4 to 6 times.

Be sure to start with a 10-minute dynamic warm-up to ensure your body is ready to work. And make sure to end with a 10-minute cool down/stretching session to ensure your body is relaxed and recovered from your workout.

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