Burn Fat With This Pilates Workout

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2. Waist Slicer

Sit on the floor with your legs extended, heels on the ground, and knees slightly bent. Hold the rope taut with both hands behind your head and elbows wide. Keeping your back straight, brace your core and lean back at a 45-degree angle. From that position, slowly twist your torso to the right, as if you were trying to touch the floor with your right elbow (a). Pause, then rotate your torso to the left, keeping your elbows wide and imagining that you're reaching your left elbow toward the floor (b). That's one rep. Continue rotating at a slow and steady pace for one minute.

3. Lunge Pulse

Hold the rope taut overhead with both hands (a). Step your left leg forward and bend your knees to lower your body into a lunge until both knees are bent 90 degrees (b). Slowly pulse up and down by about an inch 10 times, then push through your left heel to return to standing. That's one rep. Repeat with the right leg, and continue alternating sides for one minute.

Want a high-intensity, low-impact workout? Jump in the pool!

4. Leg Balance Sculptor

Kneel on the ground, knees together and body forming a 90-degree angle. Bring your arms straight overhead, holding the rope taut with both hands (a). Keep your upper body still and core engaged as you bring your left foot forward and place it flat on the floor so you're in a lunge position (b), then push through your left heel to come to standing (c). In one motion, raise your right leg straight behind you and lower your torso toward the floor, keeping your back flat and arms overhead, until your body forms a T (d). Hold for three seconds, then reverse the movement to return to start. Repeat on the other leg. Continue alternating until you've done 10 reps on each side.