A 20-Minute Kettlebell Workout to Get Your Blood Pumping

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Round2: Low and Go

Stand with feet wider than hip-width apart, toes out, holding horns at chest. Squat, lowering arms toward floor, then step left leg back and to right as you extend arms overhead. Return to squat. Switch sides; repeat. Continue, alternating sides, for one minute.

More: How to Master the Squat

works shoulders, arms, back, abs, legs

Round2: Whittling Warrior

Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding kettlebell horns at chest. Lunge back with left leg. Stand, bringing left thigh parallel to floor. Bend forward, lowering arms toward floor, extending left leg behind you until parallel to floor. Return to start. Switch sides; repeat. Continue, alternating sides, for one minute.

works abs, butt, legs

Round2: Thigh Thinner

Stand with feet hip-width apart, toes out, holding horns at chest. Lift left heel off floor, then squat. Return to start. Switch sides; repeat. Continue, alternating sides, for one minute.

works thighs, butt, calves

Round3: Chiseling Circle

Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding horns at chest. Step right leg back and to left, then explode upward, swinging leg in a circle. Return to start. Switch sides; repeat. Continue, alternating sides, for one minute.

works abs, butt, legs

Round3: Plank Kick-Out

Start in plank with right hand on kettlebell. Hold plank as you extend left foot to right side at a 45-degree angle. Return to plank. Switch sides; repeat. Continue, alternating sides, for one minute.

More: How to Master the Plank

works shoulders, arms, chest, abs

Round3: Butt-firming bridge

Sit with knees bent, feet flat, back at a 45-degree angle, holding horns at chest. Lower your back to floor, then lift hips until body forms a straight line as you extend arms overhead to floor. Return to start. Continue for one minute.

works butt, arms, chest, back, abs

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