6 Tips for Your Next Down-and-Dirty Mud Run

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You've signed up for your mud run—congratulations. Now it's time to get ready for this event. Below is a list of best practices, ideas and tips to ensure you have a great experience and are ready for your down and dirty mud run.

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Less and More

Rather than doing one or two long runs a week, do three or four short runs weekly. The best way to train is to run four times a week for about 20 to 30 minutes. Short spurts or running are far better for your preparation than running only sporadically for an hour and a half. The goal is to keep the body active and make running a part of your training.

More: 6 Tips to Tackle an Obstacle Course

Fast and Slow

It's not all about speed. Consider running at a comfortable pace for just a minute or two, and then walking for a minute or two in order to decrease your heart rate. The goal is interval training. You can easily practice this technique for 20, 30, or even 40 minutes to make a great workout from the walk/jog approach.

Proper Form

Quality over quantity is the goal. You don't want to run for long periods of time with poor form. Good running form leads to a better experience, and the ability to run faster and longer. Poor running form increases your risk for injury and should be avoided. You can alternate running with walking as necessary in order to preserve good running form.

More: Your Mud Run Training Plan 

Strength Training

You'll definitely need total-body strength to complete the obstacles along the course. In order to build total- body strength, concentrate on the following:

  • Core: Your core is the entire mid-section of your body; including your low back and sides. For strength, do crunches to target the front of your abs, bicycle crunches for your obliques, and superman for your lower back. To do the superman exercise: Lie flat on your stomach; raise your torso off the ground by lifting your arms and legs in a straight up motion.
  • Upper Body: You'll need your chest and arm muscles to do a variety of obstacles.  Push-ups, pull-ups, and dips are great strength-training exercises that will help you complete each challenge.
  • Lower Body: Your legs need to carry you through miles of mud and obstacles on race day. Add strength to your legs by doing squats, lunges and dead lifts. 

More: 6 Tips to Get Ready for an Obstacle Race


You put your body through intense workouts to train for a mud run. Allow your body a chance to recover so that you have the ability to perform your best on race day.

Stretch your muscles after each workout and drink plenty of water. Fuel your body with proper nutrients like protein, supportive carbohydrates and healthy fats.

More: Roll Your Way to Recovery

Treat Yourself

Completing a mud run is a great accomplishment. Treat your body to a massage. It feels great and will help you recover faster. If you're not into getting massages, use a foam roller after the race to ease muscle discomfort.

Use these six tips to prepare for a mud run so that you can perform your best, avoid injuries and make your experience even more memorable.

More: Tune Up Your Body With Sports Massage Therapy

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