3 Moves to Sculpt a Solid Core

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Middle Ab Workout: Offerings Action

The set up for Offerings is the same as for the Double Crunch, except for the arms.

  • Position the arms directly to the side of the body, with palms up and backs of hands on the floor.
  • Fix your eyes to a point on the ceiling or in the sky directly above and attempt to keep them there throughout the entire exercise.
  • Simultaneously lift the upper body with the abdominals and bring the fingers as close as possible to the heels, without actually sitting up. (Your chin should not flex forward toward the chest during any part of this exercise and the backs of the hands should stay in contact with the floor.)
  • Once in this contracted position, hold it for two full seconds and then slowly descend to the starting position.

Frequency: Without ever resting your head on the floor, repeat five times to start and work up to a maximum of 15 repetitions over several weeks. You should only progress at a pace that allows the exercise to be done perfectly.

The middle section of your six-pack should be effectively exhausted by now. It's time to fully work the lower abs.

More: Core Workout: 5 Moves for Flat Abs

Long-Leg Double-Crunch Starting Position

  • Lying on your back, position your legs together so the hips are allowed to roll outward.
  • Point the feet and toes out to the sides with your heels together.

Lower Ab Workout: Long-Leg Double-Crunch Action

Repeat the exact instructions for the Double Crunch in this new position.

Frequency: Without ever resting your head on the floor, repeat five times to start and work up to a maximum of 15 repetitions over several weeks. You should only progress at a pace that doesn't compromise form.

If both the upper and middle part of the six-pack have been previously fatigued through Double Crunch and Offerings, the lower—often neglected—part will also get maximum attention with this ab workout routine.

More: The Best Ab Workouts to Build a Solid Core

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