10 Things Only Girls Who Lift Understand

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A woman exercising.

When you start lifting weights, working out becomes a whole new world. Seriously, it's like The Little Mermaid was singing about the gym. The stronger you get, the better you feel, and suddenly you find yourself ditching your go-to elliptical for a squat rack. Yep, you're officially a "girl who lifts."

While everyone in this club is guilty of checking themselves out mid-flex sometimes—hey, your shoulders do look nice—most won't publicly admit it. Actually, there a quite a few things all dumbbell-loving ladies do but might not 'fess up to.

1. "Complaining" About the Callouses on Your Hands

They're so gross-looking, but you just have to show everyone.

More From Women's Health: The Beauty of Lifting Heavy Weights

2. Mentally Critiquing Other People's Form

Whoa—that guy's entire body is going into that bicep curl.

3. Lifting a Little Too Heavy to Show Off...and Then Regretting It Later

Oh, yeah, I'm using the big plates. I'm that good. (Crap. Can't. Move.)

4. Getting Super-Annoyed When Guys Offer Unsolicited Advice

Yes, I am well aware how to do that, thankyouverymuch. Nope, definitely don't need you to spot my squats.