The Truth About Childhood Obesity and How to Get Kids Active

Children should never lift alone. In addition to safety reasons, oftentimes enthusiasm results in an attempt at a 'max out', a guaranteed prescription for injury.

Strength training does not need to take place in the gym with lots of equipment. Resistance bands and body weight are just as effective as free weights in developing muscular strength.

Resistance bands can be purchased for less than $20 at any sporting goods store. This will give younger children a chance to work on technique before adding too much weight. Resistance bands can be tied to doorknobs or positioned below the feet for various exercises that stress the upper and lower body. When body weight is the only equipment available, push-ups, crunches, lunges, squats, burpees and box jumps, are no less effective in building muscular strength than free weights in children.

Bottom Line

Unstructured and structured play promotes physical and psychological benefits in children. There is evidence that healthy habits and enjoyment of physical activity at a young age will provide a lifetime of positive results.

The most important concept is to incorporate physical activity that the child enjoys. Similar to adults, these are the activities that they will continue to do. Adults should join in on the activity too. Playing tag or climbing on the monkey bars with your child may remind you just how much fun exercise can be.

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