10 Ways to Increase Your Metabolism

1. Maximize your muscle. Muscles are fat-burning furnaces, so be sure to do enough resistance training to build and maintain them and follow your workouts with a snack or meal balanced in protein, carbohydrates and fat.

2. Don't forget the cardio workout routines. It improves definition and blasts the fat that covers your muscles. Combining regular aerobic exercise with strength training will give you the slimming effect you've been going for. After all, toning without cardio is like building a house on a weak foundation.

3. Be sure to stretch. It can help your muscles work better so you can more effectively isolate your problem areas.

4. Focus on your assets. Playing up your favorite body parts can boost your confidence and draw attention away from spots you want to minimize. Sculpting your shoulders, arms, chest, and back, for example, can help balance heavier hips so you look more proportionate. Plus, you'll be firmer all over.

5. Don't starve yourself. Undereating causes your metabolic rate to drop and your body to hold onto fat. Shape recommends that the average, active women consume at least 1,800 calories daily.

6. Go graze-y. Eat six small meals a day to avoid blood-sugar spikes and minimize urges to binge.

7. Get real. Fuel your body with wholesome, nutritious foods, and limit your intake of refined carbs (anything sugary or white-flour based).

8. Drink more water. Staying hydrated will help you feel full longer and keep you healthy.

9. Sleep tight. Get 7-8 hours of sleep a night.

10. Control what you can. Keep stress levels in check by managing your time, focusing on the present and not over-committing.

Find more information about how to boost metabolism naturally through regular workout routines.