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December 10, 2024 - March 11, 2025

Introduction to Python Programming - Level 2

NextGen Online Coding School • 2206 Camino Ramon San RamonCA  94583 Organized by NextGen Tech Learning
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About this event

Python is one of the most used computer programming languages. It is easier to learn (compared to the other programming languages) and can be used as an object-oriented or structured programming language. Each class will include activities, and students will work on the project based on the topics covered in the class. In each class, students will learn new concepts and build on concepts they have already learned. They will do hands-on projects and challenge projects. At the end of each lesson, they will be assigned homework to continue learning outside the classroom and get hands-on coding time. Each class is designed to ensure high-quality learning and allow students to apply their skills to the real project. Level 2 Curriculum: After learning the fundamentals of Python, this level will focus on diving deeper into the concepts already learned and more advanced topics in Python. This level will cover topics like Advanced Loops, User Defined Functions, System Functions, Optional and Named Arguments Functions , Return Statement, Global Variables, Lists, Dictionaries, Recursion, Data Structures, Output formatting, Algorithm Building, etc.


December 10, 2024 - March 11, 2025


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NextGen Online Coding School

2206 Camino Ramon San RamonCA  94583

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