Learn to Play American Mah Jongg
Family Recreation Center 1450 Forest Gate Rd OAK BROOK, IL 60523 Organized by OAK BROOK PARK DISTRICTAbout this event
We're sorry, but this program is over. The last meeting was Tuesday, August 27, 2024.
Learn how to play American Mah Jongg in a comfortable, instructional environment. The American version of the game was brought from China in the 1920s. It is both a game of skill and luck (and very addicting!). It uses tiles to match suits and pick up/discard, much like how we use cards in games. We are very excited to have an instructor that is very enthusiastic to help us learn from this fun game! There will be a break with snacks during this 3 hour class. PLEASE NOTE: This is for individuals new to Mah Jongg. You must attend the first class on July 16 to continue.
Studio C at Family Recreation Center
Pamela Baldwin