The Truth Behind Fad Diets

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Food-Combining Diets

Food-combining diets recommend that certain foods should not be eaten together. Studies show that by balancing the glycemic load in meals, blood sugar and energy can be maintained.

Food combining offers prevention of toxic build-up. However, vegetables and fruits are the staple of the diet, and when combined with protein and carbohydrates, offer a slow and steady weight loss.

Unfortunately, there is not much evidence pertaining to food combinations. If you choose to limit yourself to only certain food groups you may miss out on some important nutrients.

Powders, Bars, or Delivery Meals

These replacement diets usually offer very little nutrition, occasionally they will be fortified with vitamins and minerals. The diet recommends that you replace two meals daily with the "food offered".

However, these diets do place an emphasis on appropriate portion size and have shown success with some people. The advantage is that the person following this diet is able to eat frequent meals in calorie-controlled portions which can become a visual tool for future success.

Keep in mind that successful weight loss diets are designed with the individual in mind. They do not promise cures. They are tailored for the individual and to their normal way of eating, lifestyle and food preference.

Many fad diets have come and gone and more are sure to surface in the future. Remember that successful weight-loss results in a slow and steady decrease of calories each day and an increase in daily activity tailed to fit a person's lifestyle.

Everyone has individual goals and needs. Be cautious of diets that require you to limit foods and quantities.

If a friend or celebrity has lost weight on a fad diet this does not guarantee that you also will. Before embarking on a weight loss program consider seeking out an expert to help create a program for you.

Real weight loss programs include all types of foods, a slight decrease in your daily calorie levels and a moderate fitness program.