Glossary of Fitness Terms for Ski Season

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4. Balance

Skiing requires constant fine adjustments in order for you to adapt to the changing terrain, snow, speed and obstacles. Your joints and soft tissues will constantly provide your brain with information about your body position. Excellent balance means that you will be faster to respond to the conditions. Balance will improve with specific training. Performing exercises on Bosu balls, Swiss balls and balance boards with help to improve balance and confidence while skiing.

MoreHow Balance Training Improves Athletic Performance

5. Flexibility

Good flexibility will help you have a good stance on your skis and prevent injury. Be aware that interval and power training mentioned above will tighten your muscles if not counteracted by stretching. The most effective, and important time to stretch, is immediately after exercising when you are warm. Good flexibility in your calves is essential to having good ankle flexion in your boot. And, these muscles should be stretched with your heel down and knee bent.

Flexibility has also been demonstrated to impact strength. You are at your strongest in the middle of a muscles available range, hence the more range you have, the easier it is to find this optimal range. Lastly, muscle injury occurs when a muscle is stretched beyond its normal length. Good flexibility is helpful to prevent muscle injury during a fall.

MoreInjury-Prevention Video Tips

6. Plyometrics

Plyometrics is a form of training, which utilizes bounding and jumping to take a muscle from shortened to lengthened very rapidly. It is an excellent way to mimic the rapid dynamic demands of skiing while improving explosive power. An ideal way of performing plyometrics is while holding the basic ski pose perform box jumps, jump squats, jumping lunges, frog jumps and Bosu jump squats.

More: 4 Plyometric Exercises to Speed Up Your Muscles

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